
Health and Fitness Article Category

An Ophthalmology Practice Is the Best Place to Go for Your Eye Conditions
Visit an ophthalmology practice if you experience problems with your eyes. You can get the right diagnosis and treatment so you can continue to enjoy life.
How to Choose Hair Schools That Can Lead to Career Success
As you look at the hair schools available to you, select the one that gives you the best start to your career. Find out how.
The History of Health and Beauty Spas in Britain
There is no denying the immense popularity that spas enjoy in Britain. This is reflected by the fact that the last few years have seen a sporadic rise in the number of spas across the major metropolitan areas of England, and each one of them is frequented by a throng of customers on a daily basis.
Botox Is Good for More Than Wrinkles
Botox is not new. It is a neurotoxin that has been used for years in small amounts to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Today it also has other medicinal uses.
Go to Rehab and Get Professional Help
Get the help you need to kick your addiction to the curb. Go to a rehab center that caters to your illness and get well.
See a Hand Specialist for Your Mobility Issues With Your Fingers and Wrist
If you have trouble with pain and other weird sensations in your wrist and fingers, it may be time for you to see a hand specialist. They can diagnose your condition and provide you with the appropriate treatment.
Finding a Good Family Dentist for Life
To be healthy, it is important to have a clean and healthy mouth. In order to do this right, you need to see a dentist regularly to have your teeth cleaned, so having a good one is very important. When you are looking for a dentist in your area, it is important that you know what the different areas of practice are so that you are getting the one to meet whatever needs that you may have.
Breast Lift Is a Part of a Mommy Makeover
A breast lift is one of the procedures often needed during a Mommy Makeover. After pregnancy and lactation, a mom may also need to have a tummy tuck and liposuction performed.
Health and Wellness - Way to Happy Living
Wellness is essentially a state of the mind and body. Factors that promote health and happiness are the factors that constitute a person's wellness.
Seeing Past the Weight Loss and Exercise Ad Claims
We see all kinds of claims in ads for exercise equipment and weight loss products. They are usually made by, or while showing, people who appear to have benefitted from the products being advertise. Should we take those ads at face, or body, value?
Pregnancy Week 25 Development: What To Expect And One Beneficial Food
Pregnancy is an amazing journey that gives rise to a mixture of emotions like happiness, anxiety and excitement. Enjoy every week by learning information about what to expect changes and development to expect this week. This article is a must read.
Benefits of Diuretics: Natural Sources
As it turns out, certain natural sources of diuretic foods may be even more effective at performing their functions in our body than diuretic medicines prescribed by doctors. For this reason, many people choose to seek out natural diuretic foods for their profoundly positive impact on health and wellness.
13 Steps to Healthier Living
Healthy living - it tends to be the topic of conversation often. But many of us struggle to find our way to healthier happier living. Let's look at 13 steps to accomplish that goal.
Bugs That Trigger Allergies - 3 Common Bugs That Can Cause Big Problems
Most people never really consider that exposure to bugs in the home can have a huge impact on allergies and the disruptions they can cause. Here are the 3 most common and troublesome bugs to eliminate.
Finding the Right Plastic Surgeon to Do Your Liposuction Procedure
If you are considering liposuction, then you will need to find a plastic surgeon to do your procedure. He or she will need to agree first that you are even a good candidate before you can go forward.
How Does Running Affect The Joints In Later Life?
Running is a sport enjoyed by many people young and old. There are loads of different reasons for running and against it, but the main arguments all say that running affects the joints, but how does it affect them?
Treatment Centers Can Help You Start Living Again
Get professional help for your condition by contacting several treatment centers in your area. Don't stop until you find one that fits your lifestyle and will enable you to get healthy again.
Finding a Nursing Home That You Can Trust for Your Loved One
It is difficult enough to make the decision to put a loved one in a nursing home let alone make the choice as to which one is best for him or her. There are several areas to consider.
The Quest For A Cure For Fibromyalgia - The Two-Forked Path
There are several directions you may consider looking, in your search for a fibromyalgia cure. This article examines the two main ones.
How Has Cosmetic Surgery Improved?
Cosmetic surgery is not the same as it used to be. Look at all of the advances being made to improve it and make it a better option to consider.
Allergy Relief From Food - 5 Foods To Eat Daily To Help Manage Allergies
It's nice to know that the right foods can help minimize the disruption allergies cause. For those of us who love to eat, this is music to our taste buds. Here are 5 types of foods you can eat without guilt and an explanation about why they are good for you...
Nervous Systems
I wrote this after it was discovered that I had Type 2 diabetes, and this is my way, a writer's way, of understanding my condition. I read up about it, and then put the information into a form that is perhaps more accessible, and hopefully a little humorous too. Things are never so bad that you can't afford a smile, and smiling at things that can't be changed is one way of dealing with them, I think.
Hearing Aid Styles With Volume Control
Hearing aid styles that include an adjustable volume option are extremely beneficial. This feature allows you to have total control over the magnitude of the sounds around you.
Manage Stress, Feel Great, Lose Weight: 6 Ways to Stay Focused, Boost Energy and Live Longer
High blood pressure is a major problem for many people - and an unbelievable number of them don't even know it. This article highlights the importance of having your blood pressure checked and provides top tips to maintain stable blood pressure, a healthy heart and manage your weight into the bargain.
How To Become a Personal Trainer and Your First Weeks With Phil Wilde
Becoming a personal trainer is not very hard these days, staying a personal trainer is. Read our advice.
Raw Vegan Diet - Too Extreme?
Of all the raw diets available right now, the raw vegan diet is getting a lot of attention. The overwhelming majority of people who start a raw vegan diet have not formerly been vegan, so obviously need some good info about it before they start, since it can be tough to follow in its pure form. What's a Vegan Diet? A standard vegan diet includes no animal products of any type. The great majority of people who start a raw vegan diet have not really thought about it.
Taking Care of Heart and Mind
Do you have the kind of job which requires you to write fresh content all day? Do you work in finance, web or technological development? Do you have to keep quiet all day? Add driving home in bad traffic to the above and you have the recipe for a badly needed break. How much of a release do you need?
Living From The Heart for Health and Wellbeing
Many of the patients I see in my practice have chronic illnesses, depression, insomnia, and autoimmune conditions or simply have busy/stressful lifestyles or are low in energy and vitality. Often my patients ask how they can improve the way they feel and my answer usually consists of the common sense approach to take good care of yourself, eat fresh unprocessed foods, drink plenty of fluids, get a good nights sleep and remove/reduce stress and environmental toxins etc. However, if the key to wellness were so simple we would either never get ill in the first place or would be able to recover quickly and fully when we did. What makes one person more susceptible to illness and disease than another? Why is it that despite our efforts to have a so-called healthy lifestyle illness and disease is increasing at an alarming rate?
Cleanroom, Clean Hands
Can you think of how many times you've seen a sign reminding you to wash your hands? These signs are everywhere, and for good reason; washing your hands is important to your health and the health of those around you. Despite this continued message to cleanse hands, organisms can still reside on your hands. In cleanrooms and controlled environments, cleanliness is of the utmost importance.
Fat Loss Plan For Busy Professionals
If you want to genuinely lose fat, you must make some lifestyle changes as well as a total commitment. You may ask what if you are too busy? You can never be too busy to lose fat no matter how busy you might be

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